A toolkit-building challenge for parents and caregivers who know it’s important to take an honest, non-shaming approach to conversations about sex with their kids, but are stuck on what to say and how to say it.
We’ll cover:
What sex-positive parenting is and why it’s important in raising well-adjusted humans.
How to confidently address concepts of consent, health, pleasure, dating, love, gender, sexual orientation, body image, and sexual values with young people in an affirming way that makes them feel loved and you feel less awkward.
The habits sex-positive parents practice to help their kids age-appropriately understand their sexual health at each stage of child development.
Strategies for sustaining a sex-positive parenting mindset after the 10 days are over.
You’ll receive an email from me every morning that includes:
A sex-positive parenting challenge for you to complete that day.
Practical tips to surmount roadblocks, embarrassment, fear of what teacher and grandma will think, and anything else that might be getting in your way.
A positive affirmation, quote, or sex-positive parenting fact to keep you inspired and on track with the challenge.
A journal prompt so you can reflect on your 10 Day Challenge experience and maximize its benefits.
You’ll also get:
Access to my private Facebook group just for 10 Day Challengers where you can post your wins, share your struggles, and nurture and support other parents’ journeys.
Two video sessions (on days 2 and 10) in which I present a short seminar to dig deeper into the material.
One personal communication with me via email (on day 5) during which I'll check in with you for accountability, celebrate your progress, and answer any questions.
If you love the challenge and want more support with sex-positive parenting (or anything else), you'll have an opportunity to sign up for 1:1 coaching with me at the end of the 10 days and apply your $69 toward a 3 month coaching package, essentially making this CHALLENGE ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Ready to get your sex-positive parenting on? Let's do this this! Pricing is just $69
Day 1 starts on the first business day 24 hours after you sign up. For instance, if you purchase this challenge at 8:22pm on a Monday, you will receive your Day 1 email on Wednesday morning. Please make sure "[email protected]" is on your safe list because your challenges otherwise may go to spam due to the word "sex" in my email address.