You own or manage a brick-and-mortar sex store or boutique but it's growing increasingly challenging to compete with Amazon.
You are searching for innovative new ways to get shoppers in the door.
You know there is currently unprecedented interest from adults looking for reputable sources for sexuality education, and you want to be that resource that customers trust and community medical providers refer patients to.
Sound familiar?
"Retailers I believe have a responsibility to offer some level of sexual wellness education because if we're going to profit off of people's curiosity, uncertainty, fear, arousal, etc. we have an ethical obligation to support their journey in return."
- Sadie Allison, XBIZ
I help adult retailers educate their staff and customers so they can position themselves as a savvy modern sexuality resource, and increase sales.
Fun, interactive, comprehensive sexuality education training your staff will actually want to attend.
Original social media content designed to build a following and position you as a reliable sexual health source.
Door busting on-site classes and workshops for customers that will get butts in the store (30,000 and counting have attended my in-person adult sex ed classes!)
Coaching and consulting with management to ensure your goals of fully integrating sexual health education with your branding, marketing, and merchandising are met.
Get a free sex ed makeover strategy session for your store!
Fill out this form to schedule your call.
A few fun facts about me so we are better acquainted before our free call:
I've been working as a sex educator and consultant in the sex toy industry since 2007.
I wrote my doctoral dissertation for my PhD on sex shops, specifically community attitudes and why people support or don't support them.
My work is discussed in a college business ethics textbook in a case study of changing the public image of sex shops from "seedy" to community resources for sexual health and pleasure.